About Us

Allion Trade International, a leading dry food importer & distributor in Bangladesh market. We started our Business in 2002 in the marketing sector and started our first retail shop in 20015. To provide the best quality dry food, we started importing from all around the world in 2010. Today we have one retail store at Bashundhra, importing more than 100 of product and satisfying thousands of customers every day.

We have nationwide recruited distributors who are distributed to the local market as well as the company directly supply Modern trade /Chain shop, Wholesale Market, Hotel, Restaurants etc.

We use cost-efficient services to provide our customers with better product quality sustaining a point of difference in today’s competitive Bangladesh market. Whatever people love our products, we aim to ensure they can trust us to source, make and distribute in a way that’s beneficial to them.

Our Company objects are to get engaged responsively in Export, Import and distributor in Bangladesh market and to contribute in the search for the enlargement path of the country to ensure sustainable growth in the 21st century.

Allion Trade International, a leading dry food importer & distributor in Bangladesh market. Our Company also recognizes that maintaining the trust and confidence of employees, customers, and other people with whom it does business as well as the community in which it works are vital for its continued growth and success. Integrity & Honesty are our principles to ensure ethical business. Being fair to customers, suppliers, employees and also reduce environmental degradation.